The main objective of Posgraduate expert in Facial Aesthetic Medicine, CEMEF is to prepare the student to be able to practice in the field of Facial Aesthetic Medicine after completing the course. Therefore, in CEMEF you will get to:
The posgraduate expert in Facial Aesthetic Medicine has continuous training through the EIMEC Campus e-learning platform.
The virtual campus is used to teach the theoretical contents and evaluation activities, always under the guidance and permanent support of the professor.
Practical training of new aesthetic techniques addressed in depth in 2 weeks of intensive practical training.
Eimec Method: 90% practical. ONE TO ONE. 1 tutor, 3 students, 3 patients.
Groups of 3 students: Following the EIMEC Method, groups of 3 students with similar levels will be formed to guarantee a homogeneous learning pace. The content will be personalized according to the general teaching program and the interests of the group.
You are the protagonist: Each morning the student will be assigned an average of 3 real patients. With the help of the tutor he/she will have to make the diagnosis and create the protocol of action so that he/she will be shaping his/her own agenda of treatments during the two weeks.
The student’s ONE TO ONE practices on real patients, tutored by the teacher, provide the student with the degree of confidence necessary to practice what he/she has learned once the course is over.
Once the practical block has been completed, the student will have 2 months to complete the expert final work.
Preparation and presentation in front of an examining board of an original text written by the student, where all phases of a treatment will be addressed:
You will have the opportunity to publish your TFE as a scientific article in EIMEC Scientific.
The virtual campus is used to teach the theoretical contents and the evaluation activities, always under the permanent guidance and support of the professor.
-Didactic material
-Training activities
-Team work
-Discussion of clinical cases
It is considered the main source of knowledge generation and the basic tool for group work. It is a discussion and interaction between professionals and experts that generates great contributions to evidence-based Aesthetic Medicine.
What does it consist of?
– Each day, group meetings will be held in the conference room, in which current theoretical topics will be addressed through lectures with internationally renowned professors with solid experience and trajectory in Aesthetic Medicine.
– Invited experts will talk about regenerative medicine, the new era of Aesthetic Medicine, how to achieve natural beauty, biotechnological innovation, advanced cosmetics and the responsible use of cosmetological and aesthetic treatments, encouraging the discussion of cases and the exchange between professionals.
– It will be the moment to integrate and enrich our knowledge with the contribution of experts to achieve the best results in our treatment protocols.
– Protocols to treat complications will be addressed.
– To train medical professionals through the practice in consultation of the most advanced techniques of Facial Biostimulation.
– To provide the medical professional with the knowledge, skills and techniques necessary to practice in the field of Facial Aesthetic Medicine.
– To provide practical experience with real patients.
– Provide updated information on techniques to treat common conditions, ensuring patient safety.
– To provide protocols and clinical practice guidelines to be followed in Aesthetic Medicine.
– Peeling in skin aging.
– Safe peeling: Indications, active drugs and mechanisms of action.
– Superficial chemical peel.
– Intermediate depth chemical peel.
– General indications and contraindications.
– Peeling and phototypes. Classification, safe protocols.
– Peeling, Ph and skin thickness.
– Different types of chemical peels.
– Mechanical peeling with microdermabrasion, different combinations.
– Protocols for acne, rosacea, aging, dyschromia.
– Home protocol and follow-up.
– Clinical uses of hydroxy acids. Alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic acid, mandelic, lactic, kojic, phytic, etc.). Betahydroxy-acids (salicylic acid), Polyhydroxy-acids: (lactobionic acid). Retinoic acid. Strong acids: TCA and Phenol.
– Cell growth factors. Medical use of mesorroller.
– Microneedling technique: Application of vitamins (vitamin C, DMAE, etc), nutrients and trace elements (such as silicon) and other substances that control and prevent sagging, dehydration, treatment of couperose, treatment of scars (especially acne).
– Mesotherapy in skin rejuvenation: concept and application techniques.
– Protocols and combination of substances most commonly used to obtain good results.
– PRP – (platelet growth factors).
Procedure, equipment and materials.
Extraction and preparation techniques.
Treatment protocols and aesthetic applications.
– Indications. Pre and post treatment care. Complications.
– How to achieve a natural beautification with lifting effect through mesotherapy techniques.
Indications in the different facial areas.
Energetic stimulus points of reference to create a better result.
– How to improve the patient’s skin with Bionutrilift Protocols?
– Anatomy applied to facial wrinkle filling techniques and facial rejuvenation.
– Importance of the individual concept of beauty.
– Different skin types, different ages and degrees of aging. Classification.
– Anatomical assessment of aging in a personalized way.
– Facial harmonization.
– Use of anesthesia in Aesthetic Medicine. Local and regional anesthesia techniques.
– Local anesthetics:
Types, mechanism of action, complications.
Choice of the most appropriate for consultation.
Alternatives in the most frequent allergies.
– Topical anesthetics:
Indications, contraindications, complications. Magistral formulas.
– Contraindications and adverse effects of local anesthetics.
– Diagnosis and anatomical assessment of aging in a personalized way.
– What is a filler?
Types of fillers currently used.
Criteria for use. Classification and physical characteristics.
Criteria for selecting the ideal filler to treat my patient.
– Anatomical landmarks for approaching the area to be treated.
– When to use cannula or needle, can it be combined?
– Tools for our treatments. Indications and benefits o How, when and why?
– Portfolio of techniques from the most classic to the most advanced for face, neck, neckline and hands.
– Infiltration techniques and advanced use of dermal filler materials application:
Linear technique, fan, tracing, tunneling, deposition or point by point in facial areas:
Forehead (worry furrows).
Periorbital furrows (crow’s feet).
Periorbital furrows (upper lip and smile).
Glabellar furrows.
– Structure of the lips:
Definition of the vermilion border.
Definition of the filter ridge.
Elimination of oral commissures.
Gingival smile.
– Facial reaffirmation:
Temporal augmentation.
Cheek augmentation.
Chin augmentation.
Mandibular oval.
Ear rejuvenation.
– Specific elements and materials in facial modeling.
– MD CODE method in the treatment of facial harmony.
– Bioplasty: Concept, technique and application areas.
– Rhinomodeling and Mentoplasty.
– Treatment of dark circles under the eyes. Techniques and recommended materials.
– Protocols of action, products and techniques in the treatment of the neck.
– Facial fat restoration. Indication and preparation for treatment with Sculptra® .
– Calcium hydroxyapatite for soft tissue filling.
– Hand reshaping with hydroxyapatite.
Concepts of anatomical architecture of the muscles of mimicry.
Importance of anatomical knowledge.
Muscle groups.
– Diagnosis to identify signs of aging.
Passive and dynamic evaluation of wrinkles.
Patient selection and evaluation.
– Types of toxins.
How do they work?
Therapeutic use.
Rules and requirements.
– Botulinum Toxin as a preventive treatment for aging.
– Basic concepts of selection.
– Basic and advanced techniques of Botulinum Toxin application in facial areas.
– Personalized treatment of the patient.
– Practical aspects to maintain the natural look.
– Dilution and dosage per spot depending on the diagnosis.
– Tips from an expert to achieve a natural look.
– How to lift the eyebrows.
– Combination treatments. How to plan it?
– How to avoid unwanted effects in toxin treatment.
– Complications: How to treat them?
· Supporting threads. Uses and indications.
– Resorbable product in a technology with natural results.
– Types of threads and characteristics of each one.
– How to complement treatments with facial rejuvenation with threads.
Definitive solution to aesthetic problems?
Justified and specific clinical indications. Benefits.
– Suspension of facial soft tissue with resorbable threads.
– Threads as a new prospective for neck treatments.
– Concept of flaccidity and tensioning.
– Choice of the ideal patient, diagnosis. To whom it is addressed.
– Facial structure. Jaw line, cheeks, eyebrows, neck, lips.
– Volumetry and increased tension.
– Anesthesia: Protocols and advanced application techniques.
– Medical and surgical techniques. Facial approach points.
– Practical tips and tricks, application advantages and specifications.
– Threads and peribuccal area.
– Pre and post treatment care.
– Complications and solutions. Case discussion.
– Cosmetic indications.
Elaboration and written presentation of an original thesis, produced by the student, as a result of the acquisition of skills and knowledge, following the basic rules of structure, style and writing.
The defense and exposition of the final expert work for this postgraduate expert in facial aesthetic medicines will be carried out in front of an examining board by videoconference.
This Posgraduate expert in Facial Aesthetic Medicine (CEMEF) is a unique experience, both educationally and socially. We have prepared a series of social activities to enjoy Barcelona and its surroundings and to make the postgraduate course a time to share with classmates and teaching staff.
Discover EIMEC ALUMNI and its exclusive advantages.