
Intensive course in Fat Grafting and Lipolaser

Horas prácticas

Transplant of autologous fat, following its proper preparation, is a relevant and useful treatment in the fields of plastic surgery and Aesthetic medicine. It enables the harmonization of facial and corporal structures to achieve more suitable or desired proportions, and re-establish the volumes lost with the passage of time. Further, it gives us an opportunity to correct or reconstruct areas damaged or deformed due to accidents or disease sequelae, such as breast reconstruction.

Facial rejuvenation is a line of development for Aesthetic doctors. Increasingly younger patients are coming to medical centers to “scarlessly” prevent and improve the signs of aging. Up to the present, anti-aging treatments have signified major, long-term surgeries with post-operative down-time of over 30 days, at a high cost in material and human resources, and greater complication rates.

Fat graing is a technique that offers the patient noticeable short-term, permanent results, with postoperative down-time of less than 10 days and very high satisfaction rates.

We currently employ autologous implants, a technique we propose to achieve the most beneficial results with our patients.

Lipolaser is the application of laser technology for the destruction of fat cells, empowering physicians to perform long-lasting elimination of fat deposits in just one session. It’s an advanced technique used to sculpt, shape and offer a safe, effective treatment.

There is a great demand for treatments that are performed in consultation that work definitively and with little recovery time.


Check availability and course schedule here:


Students are the leading players: this is a unique retreat experience with the faculty and other professionals who will enrich students’ knowledge and learning. Groups of two students will be formed per surgery to cover the educational needs of each physician.

This course takes an extremely practical approach. Every topic is introduced with a brief theoretical explanation and later developed in depth, while the professor performs techniques on actual patients.

As for students, being able to practice ONE TO ONE on model patients under the guidance of the professor provides the level of confidence necessary to apply what they’ve learned once the course is over: ready to exercise.

Students will receive all documentation, a uniform and necessary work material, as well as a memory stick with all workshop content.

Once the course is over, students have access to personalised tutoring and a follow-up on what they’ve learned.

From 15 to 20 patients will be treated in the practical part of the course.


EIMEC curso práctico de lipoláser barcelona
Summarized academic program


Documentary protocol in the consultation.
Anatomy review.
Concepts and definition of Fat Grafting and Lipolaser.

· Treatment indications and types.
· Aesthetic indications. Facial structure augmentation.
· Aesthetic indications. Body structure augmentation (theory only).
· Reparation indications (theory only).
· Techniques and methods for fat preparation.
· Post-procedure dressings and care. Recommendations for the patient to follow at home.
· Possible complications: prevention and treatment:
· General information on materials and suppliers.
· Discussion and conclusions.

· Equipment that can be used for LipoLaser procedures.
· What is a diode laser?
· Anesthesia.
· Indications and selection.
· Pre-treatment.
· Method:
· Procedure.
· Sketch.
· Anesthesia.
· Fiber in adipose panicle.
· Aspiration. How and what size cannula?
· Amount to remove.
· Technique with rapid, accurate passes.
· Novekutan and Steri-strip.
· Drainage.
· Shock waves.
· Radio frequency.
· Ultrasound.
· Experience with a sample of 300 patients.


ONE TO ONE 90% practical, the student practices on model patients.

Once the basic concepts of Fat Grafing and Lippolaser have been mastered, students will begin the practical workshop with model patients, under supervision of the trainer physician..

The practice sessions will be intensive; students take the leading role from the arrival of the patient, and will work the techniques in-depth.
-Evaluation and diagnosis.
-Application of different treatment and follow-up techniques.

-Technical aspects and handling of the equipment. Working powers.
-Patient diagnosis and evaluation. How to perform the selection.
-Application of anesthesia.
-Treatment of a real patient: You will have the opportunity to develop the practical skills necessary to achieve optimum results in the treatment of your patients.
-Discussion of cases.

If the student wishes, they can bring their own model patient for their practice sessions.

More information and complete program:
  • University degree in Medicine and Surgery.
  • Experience in Medicine and Surgery.

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