

BLOG EIMEC ecografia estetica metodo eimec one to one escuela practica de medicina estetica
El uso de las imágenes de ultrasonido en Medicina Estética se ha convertido en una moda casi imprescindible en las consultas de estética facial.
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BLOG EIMEC escuela medicina estetica Rinomodelacion- retoques minimos y cambios significativos
Rhinomodelling: Minimal retouching but involving very significant changes. And what all patients ask for: to look natural, as natural as possible.
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BLOG EIMEC ecografia dermoestetica cursos -formacion personalizada practica barcelona
Aesthetic ultrasound: a tool that provides diagnostic assessment data and offers precision and safety in procedures
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EIMEC BLOG sol cuidado de la piel
As the largest organ of the body, the skin has several functions. There are simple and basic measures that should be taken to care for it. Not only for beauty, but also for your health.
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BLOG EIMEC escuela medicina estetica neuromoduladores toxina botulinica
Neuromodulators: the role of botulinum toxin and the most common misunderstanding that arises in the consultation room
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BLOG EIMEC exosomas celulas madre escuela medicina estetica
Exosomes: cosmetic or injectable? The debate behind the fad for a treatment that still has no standardised protocol
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EIMEC cirugia-blefaroplastia--curso practico-barcelona-estetica
Blepharoplasty: how it is the most requested surgery among facial surgical techniques and when it is recommended
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BLOG EIMEC bioestimulacion inductores de colageno escuela medicina estetica
Collagen stimulators: when skin firmness is the key and not just the goal of "filling faces and hollows"
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BLOG EIMEC metodo eimec one to one ects practica escuela medicina estetica barcelona
How is the EIMEC method making a name for itself in the world of aesthetic medicine?
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eimec master medicina estetica avanzado barcelona
An academic program designed exclusively for physicians, surgeons and cosmetic dentists who have the skills and knowledge necessary to meet new challenges and excel with confidence and excellence in the growing field of aesthetic medicine.
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