blog EIMEC


 DATS peptide 3
The results are promising, and the advancement of a new dermo-cosmetic line focused on inflammatory skin diseases of autoimmune and oncological origin is EIMEC's new challenge. Current data show that in the last 15 years, the incidence of psoriasis in Spain has increased from 1.4% to 2.3%. On the other hand, atopic dermatitis is a...
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“It is the impact that the medical-aesthetic treatments we undergo throughout our lives can have. An imprint that can be positive, because over time it improves the general characteristics of the patient, or negative, because they end up modifying facial features in an unnatural way,” explains Dr. Alejandra Vago, a specialist in facial aesthetics and...
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paciente modelo
Why can't aesthetic medicine enter the game of unscrupulous marketing that is woven into the social networks? Here, in a ping-pong to read at length, Dr. Beth Carrasco, a surgeon and expert in aesthetic, integrative and autologous medicine, answers and clears up doubts. She insists, among other concepts, on the importance of urgent regulation so...
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Depending on the degree of crosslinking, products will be obtained that are more or less dense, moldable and resistant.
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El camino del emprendedor estético:
It is a highly competitive market. Working in the aesthetics and health area also requires enormous responsibility and commitment in terms of suitability and good practices. And in the one-on-one relationship with the patient, the professional's dedication is total, with no room for carelessness. However, entrepreneurship in the aesthetic medicine industry is a business model...
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pacientes modelo eimec
As a school dedicated to the practical training of doctors in medicine and plastic surgery, Eimec works with real model patients; all of them receive a previous diagnosis by the medical team and a subsequent follow-up.
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Armonización orofacial: la disciplina que comienza dentro de la boca y se expande hacia todo el rostro
la armonización orofacial, una especialidad donde lo funcional y lo estético están bajo una misma lupa, y que busca mejorar la apariencia de toda la cara a través de técnicas y productos como la toxina botulínica, el uso de hilos de polidioxanona, el ácido hialurónico, el plasma rico en plaquetas y otros bioestimuladores.
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el acido hialuronico en tendencia
Los tratamientos no invasivos con ácido hialurónico ocupan el segundo puesto entre los más requeridos en todo el mundo
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Prácticum personalizado a medida en Medicina Estetica
These are eight-hour courses in which a particular area is worked on in depth. An immersive practice that turns the professional into an expert on a specific treatment, such as lip filler, to mention just one of the monographic courses taught at EIMEC.
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Curso práctico de rinomodelación
Ears in place: How is the minimally invasive technique, without going into the operating room and with definitive results?
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